I am a 10ft tall, Wolf husky mix with green stripes, from Canada Eh. I also like doing Virtual photography in SL and now branching out into VRC, I also love chilling with friends on VR Chat and SecondLife. I also enjoy playing games from FPSs to some ARPGs. My hobbies are Airsofting and snowboarding.
Twitter / X
Be warned most of my stuff are for 18+ individuals only! I will Block anyone under that!
Also, another place where I post 18+ content I will also Block you if you are under that!
I am getting back into streaming, I stream randoms games, but mostly FPS games and VRC
Fur Affinity
Don't really use this much anymore but welcome to check it out.
Another site i told always use but i do post there some of my photo i take in Second Life